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Saturday Seasonal Yoga

Reconnect with the changing seasons and your inner self.

1 hSangha Yoga, The Studio

Service Description

Refresh your mind, body, and soul with our Seasonal Yoga classes at Ti-SEN Yoga & Thera. With a focus on aligning your practice with the changing seasons, our classes offer a unique and rejuvenating experience for yogis of all levels. Join us in connecting with nature and finding balance in each season. Yoga is designed to align the changing energies of nature and the seasons in a practice that improves physical strength and flexibility, giving balance, harmony and an enhanced sense of well-being.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

Section 1: Therapies Services 1.1 First Consultation: Prior to your first appointment we ask you to arrive 15 mins early to fill in a Client Confidential Consent forms: As part of the first consultation, we shall perform an initial evaluation of your needs and requirements this includes: • Use of a health questionnaire • your discussion of your needs with us; • an evaluation of your needs; • explanation of the treatment and what it involves • any recommended action to address your needs and requirements. • Signed declaration form following agreement of information provided 1.2 Clothing: For Thai Yoga Massage, loose fitting cotton clothing is most suitable for movement and grip by therapist when positioning client. Socks (but not too thick) can be worn during treatment if preferred. For safety reasons, you will be asked to remove your watch or any jewellery that may interfere with treatment. Similar for Kinetic Chain Release, to protect treatment table please check that clothing does not have zips, etc that can will tear the cover. 1.3 Prior to therapy: It is recommended to keep hydrated but to avoid heavy meals, fizzy or carbonated drinks and no alcohol before treatment. 1.4 During therapy: You have the right to stop the treatment at anytime if you wish to discontinue treatment or need a break for any reason. Stopping of treatment will be discussed with you prior to starting, including if the therapist deems it necessary to not continue following reasonable instruction. 1.5 After therapy: You will be asked and a record taken of how you felt during and after the treatment. You will be given advice on basic hydration, diet etc for the few hours after treatment. You may also receive advice on how to manage outcomes as a result of the treatment, within range of knowledge and skill of the therapist. 1.6 Sessions: You will not be recommended further sessions as this will be the choice of the client, as with all treatments the benefits to the body and mind are felt 24 – 48 hours afterwards. It is most comment for clients to wish ongoing sessions for Thai Yoga Massage, and if the client wishes to book follow on sessions, a treatment plan will be discussed and followed up at each session. With Kinetic Chain Release, this is not the case most often than not the client feels immediate results as it is a different modality and will only need 1 or 2 treatments. 1.7 Late for appointment: If you are late, the treatment session will begin on your arrival and continue until the time when it is scheduled to end. If you wish the session to overrun, and if our diary allows this and if we agree, then you may be charged at our discretion for the extra time that may occur. 1.8 If you cancel or do not turn up for an appointment: If you have booked an appointment and you cancel with less than 24 hours’ notice or do not turn up for the appointment, then you are liable to pay the cost of that session. If this is the first time, the general rule is that if you will not be charged and may be depending on the length of the appointment booked may be requested to pay 20% to cover the costs of hiring the facilities. If cancellations with less than 24 hours’ notice become a frequent occurrence, we may take a non-refundable deposit from you for any future appointments, or we may refuse to treat you. Section 2: Yoga - 1:1 / Groups & Classes 2.1 First class attendance: You will be requested to fill out a short health check sheet and disclose to yoga teacher of any injuries, health ailments or prescribed medication that may be contraindicative for some asanas and pranayama’s. 2.2 Clothing: Yoga attire that is comfortable for you to sit, stretch and move and breathe freely to prevent restrictive movement of joints etc. If you have your own yoga mat, please bring it along. 2.3 Prior to class: No alcohol prior to class and at least 30mins prior to class a sensible approach to amount eaten so not to cause you any discomfort when practicing. 2.4 Cancellations / Running late / Do not turn up: For 1:1 class or where all participants in a group session cancel refer to items 1.7 & 1.8 under section 1 therapies. For yoga class the minimum cancellation period is 6 hours by informing the yoga teacher direct, for first time class can be carried over to another date, refund will be at the discretion of the teacher. If you are running late, inform the yoga teacher as soon as possible as front door to the studio will be locked for security reasons, and classes will start on time as the studio will be booked for other venues and you will be charged for the class or no refund will be given. If you do not turn up and no contact made with the yoga teacher it will be assumed that you have decided not to come to class, and as this does not allow the opportunity for the place to be filled you may be charged full price with no refund on monies already paid. Section 3: Includes All services 3.1 Facilities & Equipment: Any specific requirements and available facilities and equipment of venue being attended will be highlighted at time of booking i.e., toilets, changing facilities, yoga mats, props etc. 3.2 Bookings: All appointments will be booked directly with the therapist by the following means and will aim to respond to you within 24hrs: • website contact form • email • Facebook messenger or • by phone or text. There will be occasions when appointments can be arranged face to face following on from sessions if requested by client. 3.3 Costs of sessions and Fees: For security reasons, handling of cash is best avoided and the preferred payment is BACS or direct transfer to account by card. However, on making the appointment please inform if you prefer to pay by cash so that you are informed of the correct fee, and an invoice or receipt can be provided as evidence of payment. Our fees for each session are as confirmed by us to you and can also be found on our website. We accept cash and debit/credit card payments. We will only take payment from that card for the session you have just completed. We don’t hold any of your payment details on our file. You are personally liable to pay all of our fees and any surcharges incurred, such as any cancellation fees. 3.4 If the therapist cancels: On occasion, the therapist may have to cancel a scheduled session. If the therapist has to cancel a scheduled session, the option to book you another appointment as soon as reasonably possible or a full refund will be given. 3.5 Confidentiality: Ti-SEN Yoga & Therapies complies with The UK GDPR 2018 and shall treat all personal and business information supplied by you as confidential. No information shall be disclosed to any third party without your prior permission, except where required by law or where action might be necessary to protect you or someone else. 3.6 Outcomes: We shall seek to enable you to achieve your desired outcomes. No outcome can be guaranteed, however, and you have sole responsibility for acting on any recommendations or advice we may give you. We have no liability for any loss incurred by you, whether financial or otherwise, following my provision of the Services, nor for any perceived failure by you, whether justified or otherwise, to achieve your desired outcomes or goals. 3.7 Insurances and Professional Memberships: Yoga, Thai Yoga Massage and KCR are covered by Professional, Public and Products Liability Policy and the Therapist is a member of Yoga Alliance and Federation of Holistic Therapists. 3.8 Early termination: In exceptional circumstances, such as illness or other commitments, inappropriate behaviour by you, refusal to be treated in a reasonable way, actual or potential conflict of interest, or other reasons, the therapist may decide to terminate the Services early and or refuse or be unable to provide further sessions to you. In such circumstances, we shall give you reasonable notice of termination where practicable. 3.9 Events outside our control: Therapist will not be liable to you as a result of any delay or failure to perform our obligations under this contract as a result of any event beyond our control including but not limited to, strikes, lock-outs or other industrial disputes, failure of a utility service or transport network, act of God, fire, flood or storm or breakdown of machinery. 3.10 Complaints: If you are unhappy with the services, we hope you will discuss any problems or issues with the therapist or teacher. If that does not resolve matters to your satisfaction, there are further channels available through professional membership federations. 3.11 Variations: Ti-SEN Yoga & Therapies reserve the right to change any of these terms or conditions, including fees.

Contact Details

  • 14 Green Street, Strathaven ML10 6LT, UK


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